Does planning your reception seating chart feel like a science project?

As a guest of many weddings over the years, I’ve seen how the reception seating arrangement can have a significant impact on the guest experience. Given that Mr. DrummerBoy and I have opted on a less formal reception by having a station-style meal rather than a plated one, we initially considered open seating for the reception.

When creating the love story for our invitations, we really enjoyed the idea of sharing the fun details of our story that many of our guests may not know. This lead to the idea of seating our guests according to their role in the story with each table numbered and named based on these roles, for example a table with my group of friends from undergrad would be named The Terpettes – shout out to the University of Maryland!

I also find something intriguing (or perhaps sinister) about the idea of intentionally seating folks with people they don’t know, forcing guests to get to know one another. Admittedly, I have not enjoyed this arrangement as a guest in the past.

With response cards starting to pour in (and no ‘NOs’ yet!), we will need to decide soon on how to seat our guests during the reception. I have thoroughly enjoyed your feedback thus far so I’d love to get your input on this…Which seating arrangement should we go with?

Please complete the poll below and share your thoughts in the comments.

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