
Black Bridal Bliss founder Bridgette Bartlett is available for speaking, hosting, and appearances. To request Bridgette for your event email

  • Tie the Knot Tuesday 4-Year Anniversary Special

    Guess what? is 4 years-old! Epic, right? Our official anniversary was Saturday, April 26 but the celebration will continue all month long. Stay tuned for a reflective post with a bunch of mushy stuff tomorrow. Today we’re looking back at the most popular Tie the Knot Tuesday features based on your comments. I’m grateful […]


  • Marriage Matters Monday – Committed to the Commitment

    The below video is over a year old but the content still resonates and educates. I have known the interview subjects, Rev. Dr. Floyd Flake and Rev. Dr. Elaine Flake of the Allen A.M.E. Cathedral in Queens, NY since childhood. I attended the Allen Christian School which they founded for eight years and believe I […]