
  • Tie the Knot Tuesday – Breanne & Michael

      Bride: Breanne Barnard, 32 Groom: Michael Thomas, 35 Occupations: Barnard, preschool teacher; Thomas, attorney Homebase: New York City Wedding Date: August 14, 2010 Wedding Location: Bay Gardens Beach Resort, Gros Islet St. Lucia


  • Triple B’s Top 6 Bridal Trends from the Royal Wedding

    I know, I know…You’re over the Royal Wedding or perhaps were never into it. Unlike most bridal blogs, Triple B has been mum on the “wedding of the century” until now. The reasons why are pretty obvious. But realistically whether you like it or not, everyone (yes, everyone) who is in a wedding for the next […]


  • Tie the Knot Tuesday – Tisa & Adam

    Bride: Tisa Rabun, 30 Groom: James “Adam” Marshall, 32 Occupations: Rabun, recruiting director; Marshall, auto salesman Homebase: Connecticut Wedding Date: October 16, 2010 Wedding Location: ceremony: Faith Congressional Church of Hartford, Hartford, CT; reception: The Society Room of Hartford, Hartford, CT