
Black Bridal Bliss founder Bridgette Bartlett is available for speaking, hosting, and appearances. To request Bridgette for your event email

  • The Road to Mrs. – Controling Portion Control

    Hey Triple B, I hope everyone’s week was well. As far as my diet is concerned, for the most part mine was great. However, Friday was a challenging day. I met some girlfriends for dinner at Carmines. If you are familiar with Carmines [in New York City] you already know their mammoth size family style […]


  • You Oughta Know: Soliloquy Boutique

    Anytime I get the opportunity to feature Black female entrepreneurs on Triple B (which is done quite often), I get excited and today is no exception. Read all about Soliloquy Bridal Boutique, the awesome brainchild of Savannah-native Miriam Liggett. This former corporate executive and fellow bridal junkie opened the doors of Soliloquy in Northern Virginia […]