The Road to Mrs. – It’s My Birthday!
This week Shawn and I went out for my birthday. When saving for a wedding, we are learning to be creative with observing life’s milestones.
Black Bridal Bliss founder Bridgette Bartlett is available for speaking, hosting, and appearances. To request Bridgette for your event email
This week Shawn and I went out for my birthday. When saving for a wedding, we are learning to be creative with observing life’s milestones.
Hey Triple B, I hope everyone’s week was well. As far as my diet is concerned, for the most part mine was great. However, Friday was a challenging day. I met some girlfriends for dinner at Carmines. If you are familiar with Carmines [in New York City] you already know their mammoth size family style […]
Anytime I get the opportunity to feature Black female entrepreneurs on Triple B (which is done quite often), I get excited and today is no exception. Read all about Soliloquy Bridal Boutique, the awesome brainchild of Savannah-native Miriam Liggett. This former corporate executive and fellow bridal junkie opened the doors of Soliloquy in Northern Virginia […]