
  • Marriage Matters: What Marriage Means to Me Series

    Marriage is a contract to some people, a commitment to others and most unfortunately, slavery to a few. For me, it’s two people who love each other coming together for the advancement of their common goals. My wife and I love each other and our common goals are


  • Friday Film Review – A Haunted House

    I know, I know, I know…You’re wondering what the %*$# the new film, A Haunted House, has to do with weddings, Black brides or relationships in general. Well, a lot actually. I attended an advance press screening for the flick which officially hits theaters today and I was pleasantly surprised by it. Here’s why:


  • Look! Triple B is on TV (kinda,sorta)!

    Check out Triple B founder/editor, Bridgette Bartlett, dishing on all things bridesmaids via HuffingtonPost Live! WOO HOO! Pretty exciting, no? Don’t miss Summer of My Simply Perfect Weddings & Events weighing in, too. After viewing, leave a comment below with your thoughts on the topic.