Happy 21st Wedding Anniverary to Barack & Michelle Obama!
Potus and Flotus celebrate 21 years of wedded bliss today!
Potus and Flotus celebrate 21 years of wedded bliss today!
Many of you between the ages of 30 and 45 remember the hit song from Biz Markie – Just a Friend. Although this was just a song, it was and is a topic that many newlywed couples are forced to tackle. In my opinion, too many people expect their significant other to morph into a […]
Last month I had the pleasure of getting a facial at Milla’s Treatment Boutique. It was awesome. Although I had been to the boutique once for a press event, this visit was my first time actually having a treatment done by Milla and my first facial in years. The best part? I received my service […]