wedding shoes

  • Bridgette’s Pick of the Week – Bright Idea for Outdoor Weddings!

    Don’t you hate attending an outdoor affair like a wedding — dressed to the nines in your Sunday Best — and your heels sink into the grass, dirt, etc. It absolutely sucks! Plus, it can ruin your shoes. Until recently, the only real way around this was wearing wedges. But, check this out!


  • Fashion Friday: Introducing Bridal Footwear Line, Nael Coce

    I recently traveled to Baltimore, Maryland to attend the launch of a fabulous new shoe line, Nael Coce. Nael Coce is the brainchild of PhD (yeah, you read that correctly) student, Sheena Young. Sheena’s mission was to create a line of footwear that was both fashionable and functional. This line actually offers “convertible” shoes — […]


  • Fly Bridal Shoes for Less Than $100!

    Happy Monday! It’s raining and dreary here in NYC today so I figured it was the perfect time to post my round-up of stylish shoes for any bride’s strut down the aisle. (I have all of you covered!) These shoes are guaranteed to brighten up your day regardless of what part of the globe you’re […]