• Wedding Gift-Giving Etiquette 101

    As mentioned before, when my friends consult me for wedding-related advice, I in turn create posts out of them for your guys here on Triple B. It’s a win-win. Most recently, my girl T down in Maryland sent me an email with these questions:


  • *UPDATED* Black Bridal Bliss & Kesha Lambert Photography Giveaway Winner Announced!

    Yep, a winner has been chosen for our fab giveaway with Kesha Lambert Photography! Tamika Felder of the DMV (Washington, D.C./Maryland/Virginia area) is the winner of a one hour portrait session with Kesha. Tamika won with this comment on our Facebook page:


  • Bridgette’s Pick of the Week: The Appy Couple

    I have a confession. Although I launched Triple B and have maintained this labor of love for two years and counting; I’m not the Web world’s most tech-savvy blogger. At all. All the more reason for the shock I had at being so excited about Appy Couple when I first discovered them back in April […]