crowdfunding for weddings black bridal bliss
It has recently come to the attention of the Triple B team that some couples are actually establishing GoFundMe accounts to pay for their weddings. This is not including couples who are ill and/or recently experienced an unfortunate life-changing disaster like a fire or car accident. Just your regular Jane and Joe asking friends, family or even total strangers to help them pay for their nuptials (and in some cases honeymoons, too.)

Blank stare.

If you’ve been coming to for any significant amount of time and have read posts like this or this, it is not secret how we feel about this type of behavior. However it is 2015 and the world — including weddings — is constantly evolving so…What say you? Please take a few seconds to complete our poll below and comment with your feelings on this phenomenon.

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For less eyebrow raising ways to save money while planning a wedding, revisit this post!