Every woman wants to look naturally radiant on her wedding day, right? But with a hectic work schedule, debates with the planner over flowers and cake and trying to ensure your gown fits perfectly, that trip to the dermatologist keeps dropping further and further down your to-do list.
Well fret not. I chatted with skincare expert Dr. Susan Taylor and got the 411 on how to ensure your skin is flawless for the big day. Taylor is the author of the highly regarded tome, Brown Skin: Dr. Susan Taylor’s Prescription for Flawless Skin, Hair and Nails (Amistad) and also the genius behind the product line Rx for Brown Skin which has been praised by publications like Allure and Essence so she certainly knows her stuff. (I personally have fallen in love with the Ultra-Gentle Cleanser from the Bright and Healthy line; it makes my combination skin feel silky smooth!) Read on to find out why you shouldn’t get a facial on the same day you plan to say “I Do”, how your hubby-to-be can avoid razor bumps and why H20 should become one of your best friends in the weeks leading up to your nuptials.

Black Bridal Bliss: How can brides (and grooms)-to-be avoid breakouts right before they jump the broom as they’re likely to be nervous and anxious?
Dr. Susan Taylor: 1. Adopt a good skin care regimen with a cleanser, toner and moisturizer. 2. Use the medications that you doctor prescribed for you (This is not the time to stop using them or to run out of them). 3. Lower your stress by exercising, meditating or taking walks.
BBB: Is it wise to get a facial the morning of the wedding? Why or why not?
Taylor: I would not suggest a facial the morning of the wedding. Often facials will “bring out” lesions that are forming beneath the surface of the skin and you may get a new breakout. If you wake up with a huge bump the day before the wedding, schedule an emergency appointment to have it injected with cortisone. Chances are it will be barely noticeable by the ceremony.
BBB: How can men who suffer from razor bumps look their best on this day?
Taylor: Start working on your skin early by seeing a dermatologist for prescription strength medication. If you can’t afford the dermatologist with the expenses of the wedding, try products that contain either glycolic acid or benzoyl peroxide, both of which can help razor bumps.
BBB: Many women wax their eyebrows and even their chin or upper lip regularly for cosmetic reasons. Any tips for them?
Taylor: This is a task that should be performed a day or two before the wedding to prevent redness or inflammation in pictures and videos.
BBB: What types of nutritional tips can you share for those preparing to tie the knot.
Taylor: Drinking lots of water is a strong plus. Hydration is important for many reasons including your skin. General good nutrition applies during this time of your life so make sure your intake of fruits, vegetables and protein are balanced.
BBB: What products from your line do you suggest brides-to-be invest in to ensure flawless skin on their wedding day?
Taylor: Well, it depends on their skin type. Bright and Clear for acne prone skin, Bright and Healthy for dry sensitive skin and Bright and Even for dull hyperpigmented skin. The trick is to begin use 4-6 weeks before the wedding.
BBB: Where are you currently practicing and how can Triple B readers contact you for appointments?
Taylor: Society Hill Dermatology in Philadelphia, 215.829.6861 and Skin of Color Center at St. Luke’s Roosevelt Hospital Center in NYC, 212.523.6003.
Dear Mrs Taylor,
I rally need your advise. I have had acne acne since my thirties. I am 44 years old now with severe pitted skin. I am unhappy with the condition of my skin. I am unable to wear makeup to hide the flaws because makeup irritates my skin. I went to a well know dermatologist (Mary Lupo) in New Orleans, LA. She recommended Cool Touch Laser in several sessions to smooth out my skin. That was 2 years ago. I was afraid of the laser because of what you said in your book that lasers should not be used on black skin. Because it will irritate the skin and cause more pigmentation to form in that area.
I am a women of color. My skin scars easily. I still have child scars on my legs and arms and buttocks. I am using Mederma now to erase my childhood scars. Merderma works well, however, you have to put it on several times a day for several months. This is a long and dedicated process especially on scars that I have had since childhood.
Please, tell me how you feel about this new procedure, Cool Touch Laser, on black skin. Should I go back to Mary Lupo and have this laser treatment.
Help me, please…. I still look young. But this acne is robbing me of my self esteem, my beauty, and the beautiful person underneath all of this unsitely acne scars with damaged and rough skin.
How can I get back the beautiful skin I had before my thirties?
Help me, Dimi
[email protected]
cell (504) 931-7499
I have been using Dr. Taylor’s Protect and Defend for the last 2 years. I used to purchase it at Sephora’s. They are no longer carrying your products. What’s happening with her line of products. Please tell me where I can get this product. It is the best moisturizer for my skin. Please either email me or call my cell 484-716-0579.
Sheila Colson
[email protected]
I’m searching for a dermatologist who specializes in facial hair removal for Black skin. My hair is thick and coarse, and tends to split & grown under my skin (ingrown). Can you suggest any in New York City (Queens, Manhattan, or Bronx)?
-Thank you.
C, did you reach out to Dr. Taylor? If she can’t help you I’m sure she can give you some great referrals. You might also want to look up Mamie McDonald ad Dr. Fran Cook-Bolden. Hope this helps!