Jene and her fiance Royshawn respect each other's opinions on their bachelor/ette festivities.

To Bachelor/Bachelorette party or not to Bachelor/Bachelorette party…That is the question. For some reason this topic strikes strong emotions in my house but not in the way most would think.

When it comes to the bride there are two traditional schools of thought. There is a bridal shower, which is usually G-rated fun and games. A celebration with your girlfriends and family, that wont make grandma blush. Now the bachelorette party on the other hand can be quite a bit raunchier, with some “not for TV” entertainment. In some cases the two can be combined for a little nice/nasty extravaganza.

In my case, members of my bridal party are planning my pre-wedding festivities. Shawn requested I suggest refraining from entertainment of the “exotic-male” type. A request I respectfully declined. I understand his point, but I am allowing my girls to plan my last hurrah as they see fit. I personally have no preference. Either type of event would be fine with me. I just want to have a great time with my people.

As for his bachelor party I say knock yourself out. It’s his last chance for a wild out evening. Have fun with it! I trust his judgment. I am sure no matter how explicit the festivities may get he knows how far to go. So why not?

My position is this; in all we do respect for one another is the priority. So as long as we keep that in mind, lets all have fun!

What are your opinions on bachelor/ette parties? Sound off, Triple B!