Lean on Me: Kyle (pictured) shares his joys and fears of fatherhood with Black Bridal Bliss!

Triple B will return to the regularly scheduled Tie the Knot Tuesday programming next week. Today however, please enjoy the exclusive interview Cousin Mars snagged with NFL corner back Kyle Arrington — who has been married just over one year — on marriage, manhood, being an unperfect father to his infant son Kyle, Jr. and the funny pet peeve he has regarding his wife VaShonda’s hair. Plus, Kyle shares his Father’s Day wish list with Triple B. 

Cousin Mars: What part of being married has surprised you the most?
Kyle Arrington: Us adjusting to living with one another. We didn’t live together prior to being married. I had to get used to seeing hair on the floor and picking up after her. The wife thinks I’m OCD – I’m just neat. I’m neat and she is messy.

Mars: Did you expect to become a father so soon after marriage?
Arrington: I’ve always said I wanted to have kids young; at 22! Later I realized 22 was too early. I was fresh out of college and just starting my career. I had to reevaluate things. Now I’m a husband and father…Yeah, it has been a crazy year to say the least. 

Black Baby Bliss: Kyle, VaShonda and baby KJ are all smiles!

Mars: What about being a father has surprised you most?
Arrington: The number of pampers that a baby runs through a day! This boy goes through about 16 pampers daily. It is amazing.

Mars: Who are your marriage role models?
Arrington: That’s easy. My mother and father. They were great role models from day one. They have been married for over 25 years and still act like they are in the courting stage. I am fortunate to have been able to watch that and see how to do it (marriage) the right way. 

Mars: What were your biggest fears prior to marriage?
Arrington: Being a perfect husband. And father. I didn’t want to fail. It seemed extremely difficult to live up to my father.  I now realize there is no perfect husband or wife. In marriage, there is no perfect. That helps to make things interesting. I’m not perfect, she’s not perfect…But we’re perfect for each other.

Mars: Did you always know that if you had a son, he’d be a junior?
Arrington: I never ever thought I would name my child after me. It wasn’t until the nurse told us we were having a boy. At that moment, it was clear…He had to be a Jr.

Kyle’s Father’s Day Wish List!

1) A HALLMARK MOMENT I most certainly would like a card. V and I are huge on cards; we save them all. I still have my high school graduation cards in a box. Cards show someone took time out of their day to not only think about whatever the moment is concerning you, but to recognize it as well.
2) DOMESTIC DUTIES The wife cleaning the house would be a huge gift [laughs]! She can be a little messy at times and she knows I’m a neat freak. I’d at least settle for no hair in the sink.
3) GET THE WHIP SHINED UP The wife taking my car to be cleaned and detailed would be a nice surprise. I’m very particular about the way my vehicle looks inside and out. If I could, I would wash it everyday. I wouldn’t even mind considering she had to drive it in order to get it detailed [laughs].
4) BREAKFAST IN BED V knows I love breakfast anytime of the day, so to have it served soon as I wake up is a plus. I’m definitely a pancake guy. It literally can be any type of pancakes (chocolate chip, blueberry, banana, etc.) and my day is made.
5) DINNER & A MOVIE (After confirming a babysitter, of course.) I know it is cliché. But if there are two things I believe I was put on this Earth to do (besides family and work), it’s eat and enjoy movies. Thankfully I get paid to exercise or I would be in trouble. As far as movies go, I feel a person is able to get away and get caught up in whatever direction the film takes you. I watch them all, action, drama, sci-fi, comedy, even romance (it has to be a comedic romance though). And the icing on the cake would be the evening being the wife’s treat.
Join Triple B in wishing Kyle a Happy First Father’s Day!