• The Road to Mrs. – My Fiance Has a Groomsmaid

    Choosing a bridal party is a significant step in planning your wedding. Some opt to forego an entourage and keep the focus of the big day on the two coming together as one. As has become par for our course, Mr. DrummerBoy and I went about choosing our wedding day companions in a completely different […]


  • Bridgette’s Pick of the Week – Manicure Madness

    I’m preparing to take my engagement pictures — WOO HOO! I thought we could do something fun and different today for BPOTW. Manicurist Lisa Logan will be giving me a manicure before the e-session and I’m not sure what kind of design I want. Lisa is insanely creative on her own, but it helps when […]


  • Remembering the Marriage When Wedding Planning

    I’ve been debating on whether or not I should post this all day. We’ll get back to Tie the Knot Tuesday next week but today I have to share a little big breakthrough I recently had about wedding planning, marriage planning and how the two intersect. Why? Because I know I can’t possibly be the only […]