I can think of many benefits of waiting until entering your 30s to tie the knot. However, one fairly common challenge like-minded individuals often face is figuring out how and what habits and behaviors to abandon. Many topics can fall under this umbrella, but I’d like to specifically discuss privacy. Individuals over 30 are generally more set in their ways than their younger counterparts; often leading to a more interesting adjustment period. According to Merriam-Webster’s online dictionary, Privacy is defined as freedom from unauthorized intrusion. For almost all aspects of life, except marriage, this definition is simple. Although I have siblings, for many years I grew up as an only child. Perhaps my view of privacy stems from only child syndrome. However, a Mars post on privacy as it relates to spouses has been suggested by several Triple B followers. Whew…At least I’m not the only person navigating this awkward and often silent battle.

Let us assume someone has had their own bedroom since the age of 10. Also assume the same person has maintained a cell phone for over fifteen years. Other than parents snooping through their room during teenage years and possibly a crazy ex-beau meddling with their cell phone, one might truly feel as though there was freedom from unauthorized intrusion.

Let us fast forward to married life and parenthood. In all likelihood at least one bank account is shared, each other’s social security numbers are known, bills are somehow divided, and if cars are possessed you each have keys to the vehicle(s). Funny thing is at least one of you probably stakes major claim of a portion of the closet/kitchen/basement/garage. Often one talks of some section of the home as “my space.” If nothing typed so far is viewed as outrageous, is it crazy to believe that some spouses truly consider their phone, computer, drawer space, and/or that certain section in the house “off limits?” I understand that this is one of those topics that ten people can have ten drastically different opinions about.

This Final Fridays post will not attempt to answer any questions or claim to provide the solution for any current tension, but instead act as a forum for you all to share how you have or plan to address some of these issues. Before you begin to allow your assumptions and past heartbreaks to lead your thoughts, I want to be clear that I am not considering the expected privacy of those leading double lives or possessing any negative intent. This post is solely addressing the often awkward adjustment of letting down that final barrier of singledom to married life and attempting to learn how to live with less personal space due to marriage and/or parenthood. I’m looking forward to your honest insight in openly discussing this taboo subject.

Read a another hot-button post (on maintaining friendships of the opposite sex while married) from Mars here.