keep-calm-u-just-got-engaged black bridal bliss

Happy New Year! Since there’s an influx of new folks joining the Triple B audience (Welcome!) who are recently engaged (Congratulations!), we thought it was imperative to revisit one of last year’s special posts for nearlyweds.
You just said yes and now you’re ready to begin planning your wedding…right? Not so fast. Before you prepare an engagement announcement, before you begin creating a Pinterest board of your favorite wedding gowns, before you go crazy posting a gazillion pics of your engagement ring bling on Facebook and Instagram, Triple B highly suggests you do one thing.

Seek pre-marital counseling.

Yep, that’s right. Sit down with your partner and talk about the type of pre-marriage counseling you want to engage in and then actively begin putting a plan in place to begin that counseling. You can get information on various options here. (Individual counseling might be a strong consideration as well.) Counseling is not a sign that your relationship is in trouble. It is a sign of maturity and signifies that you take the major commitment you’re embarking on seriously.

*Read the rest of this important post here!

Learn all about our latest bridal event here.