Hola! Tie the Knot Tuesday and Not Quite Tie the Knot Tuesday will return soon, folks. I know, I know — but trust that Triple B is working on some good stuff in the meantime and it includes featuring a bunch of great love stories, weddings, videos and engagement pictures. Today however, we’re switching things up a bit. Although Cousin Mars typically only posts here the last Friday of the month and Marriage Matters posts are usually reserved for Mondays, every now and again it can be good to mix things up. So, I want you guys to respond to the “touchy” statements Cousin Mars presented on Instagram this morning:

A woman marries a man expecting him to change and he doesn’t. A man marries a woman expecting her not to change and she does.

Annnnnd…..GO! Do you think there is any truth to this? Don’t hold back. Be as candid as possible, folks. Your comments just might inspire Mars to delve into this topic further here on Triple B in a few weeks.

[Triple B posts a different “Question of the Day” on Instagram each weekday — be sure you’re following us on IG, in addition to Cousin Mars, so you can stay abreast of all things Black Bridal Bliss.]