Six months after selecting my gown, I received the call from the bridal salon that my gown was in and ready for me to view and try on. Eeek! Super excited to see the gown that I fell in love with the moment I tried it on. On the other hand, the holidays were gooooood to me! So good in fact, that I was nervous that my dress would absolutely not fit! Oh, and if I needed confirmation that I was packing on a few lbs., my mother’s inquiry, “Picking up a little weight?” asked in only a way a mother could ask, affirmed any suspicions. *sigh*.

After having a complete mental breakdown about how my dress would not fit, I decided to schedule an appointment to view and try my dress on. Can you lose 10lbs in 2 days? Asking for a friend, of course…Well, fortunately, I didn’t have to try the lemon juice and cayenne pepper detox to fit into my dress – the dress fit! Of course, the dress needs some altering and I still would like to shed a few pounds before my big day, but at least my anxiety had been quelled.

I decided that although my first dress fitting wasn’t a complete bust, literally, I still had a vision of how I wanted to look in my dress on my wedding day. Operation “Shedding for the Wedding” in full effect. The only problem was that every Friday, for like 4 weeks, I told myself that I would start “next Monday”! At that rate, “next Monday” would be the Monday before my wedding – no bueno.

I needed a plan of action and a specific goal. Since I already had a personal trainer, I met with him, shared with him my goals and developed a realistic meal plan and weight loss and workout plan. Easy, right? Not even. For me, stress = weight. Overwhelmed at work = eat. Overwhelmed at home = eat. Overwhelmed with wedding planning = eat. Eat because I just want to eat – that too!

Well, I’ve been here before (not getting married), but desiring to make some healthy changes and was very successful. For me, the key is consistency and planning. Scheduling all my workouts and meal prepping worked wonders for me in the past. I plan to share my progress, workouts and meal plans with Triple B as I drop these pounds and pick up the weights.

Have you gained weight during your wedding planning journey? What about after the wedding? What’s your routine to “shed for your wedding”?

Check out last week’s Road to Mrs. post here.