Okay. It is officially getting real to me. We went to the courthouse, filed our paperwork and left with a tentative marriage license in hand. In exactly a month from now I will be Mrs. Royshawn Harrison. I honestly wasn’t expecting to be a nervous wreck, but anxiety has reared its head. I am not doubtful about marrying him. Marrying him is the only thing I am sure about. It’s the embarking on a new journey, accepting a different lifestyle than I have been used to. It’s the change that has me ready to hyperventilate. I want to be a good wife. I want to have a successful marriage. In this age of temporary matrimony, I don’t want us to be a statistic. I don’t want to be a fairy tale; I just want a lifetime to spend with him. For this commitment phobic girl, a relationship like this was a long time coming. So I definitely want it to be forever.
This past week I was invited by Shawn’s aunt to the church’s Young Women’s Ministry meeting. I thought this worthy of mentioning because of the group’s reaction to being told I was getting married. Everyone, most of whom were complete strangers, were positively elated. The sentiment among this group of Black woman, which ranged in age from 30’ s-50’s, was sheer delight at the news of a marriage. They stated how they have attended more funerals than weddings for my generation, and how refreshing it was to hear tell of the latter. I must admit I found this a bit disturbing. Disturbing because as I processed the concept I had to admit there was some truth to it. This made me even more thankful that I put my fear of commitment aside to allow the love of a wonderful man into my life.
One month is going to fly by. Time waits for on one. Especially when you are uber busy; before I know it, the wedding will be upon us. So I am dotting my I’s and crossing my T’s. Finalizing numbers and arrangements with vendors. Lord knows party planning on this scale is exhausting.
Have any words of support or encouragement for Jene? Share them below!
Oh Man! So exciting and you are correct 1 month will fly by. I am praying for you & your hubby to be! You are blessed!