What if your husband-to-be's best man is a woman?

So you said YES! The registry is coming along. Yay! Your photographer, venue and flowers have been selected and deposits made. Super! There’s still one concern. Your fiance — the love of your life — wants to have a female as his best “man”. We all know the idea of couples having friends of the opposite sex can get um…sticky. It is a topic most adults agree to disagree on. But when your future hubby decides to have his homegirl stand by his side on the day you vow to join your lives together; should you be freaked out? Triple B is this totally cool or totally unacceptable? Let’s talk about it folks! Don’t be shy; leave your (honest) opinions in the comments so we can get an intelligent conversation going about this topic. Oh and since we’re on this touchy subject, would you have a man in your bridal party? Do you thinlk your fiance would object?

Tie the Knot Tuesday alum Lynda and Alonzo made this work — could you and your sweetie?

Sound off!