The Money Shot: Barbie & Ken Say "I Do" Nigerian Style!

Howdy! There’s no Road to Mrs. post from Jene today, hopefully she’ll return next week. I recently learned of this Nigerian Barbie and Ken Wedding Shoot via a fab Triple B supporter on Twitter (Thanks Empress!) and once I reviewed it I had to share with you guys, too.

Um...How cute are these teeny tiny Louboutins?!
Barbie and her bridal party chopping it up before the ceremony.
We're FANCY!
The veil is in place.
Thanks for coming!

I have to admit that as an adult, Barbie dolls freak me out — I’m not sure why but they do — however I was entertained by this and appreciate such rich culture being celebrated by the general market. I happen to adore “spraying” at Nigerian weddings and too often feel as though the legacies of those from the African Diaspora are not cherished as they should/can be…And lastly, the pics are just plain fun.

[View the entire wedding album over at Bridal Guide. Images by Obi Nwokedi.]

What did you like/not like about these Barbie and Ken wedding pics?