Normally this type of bafoonery, ahem…news item would be reserved for Bridal News You Can Use but this story is getting so much buzz on and off the World Wide Web that it couldn’t wait. The short version: Newlywed Shona Carter-Brooks of Jackson, Tennessee, wed Johnathan Brooks at the Elam Baptist Church in Ripley, Tennessee last weekend. Shona walked down the aisle with the couple’s one month-old daughter dragging behind her.
There are no official reports of the infant being injured. Amid a furry of criticism, Shonda responded on her Facebook page with these remarks:
“The answer is we do what we want, when we want long as Jesus on our side everything worked out fine and gone continue to be fine.” She continued, “Most important while y’all got ya feelings in us we had our hearts in Christ which covers all!! So keep ya mouths running for it was just that.”
She later joked she was glad she and her husband were not celebrities and then wrote “oops got fans, guess we is!”

Folks, I couldn’t make this up if I tried. The most talented authors, storytellers and screenwriters in the world could not dream this up!
Triple B is a huge proponent of couples staying true to themselves on their wedding day even if it means ditching tradition. However, this is just perplexing and borders on putting a child’s life in serious danger.
What were/are your initial thoughts on this story? Are couples trying “too hard” to be different when planning their weddings? Sound off in the comments.
Absolutely ridiculous! Where was her mother? The Maid of Honor? The minister? All the people in the audience? There are no words to describe this foolishness!!! If it meant so much to have a one month old baby included in the ceremony why not just carry her? In spite of her assertion of being in Jesus I don’t think she sought HIM before doing this. I will just stop writing because nothing good to say about this act.
Sick, sick, sick!!!!!!!!!! Ditto to everything Aunt Zee wrote.
I was wondering if this atrocity would be addressed here…Just awful…I echo Aunt Zee…where was the voice of reason?
@All – It is truly baffling.
You can’t make this sensible. Also, we often assume a mother, minister, etc are sane and sensible but, it ain’t necessarily so. May Jehovah protect and bless this baby and her parents.
In the words of rap prophet Ice Cube “I don’t know karate, but I know CA-RAAAAY-ZAAAY.” SMH.
This was definitely the top story for Friday’s BNYCU! How bizarre is this! I honestly don’t care how secure the newborn may have been but there were a million other ways they could have gotten that baby down the aisle! Anything for five minutes of fame or a social media hashtag.
It looks like the baby is an afterthought. She’s tied to the back of a dress!!! Like all, I just pray that this child has someone in her life who will teach her values and habits that will lead to a happy, successful life that pleases the Lord. Maybe she will have a teacher or guidance counselor who will point her to the way out of poor choices.
May generational curses of poverty (of thought) and short-sightedness be broken by her.