Happy New Year! Thanks for all your support of Triple B in 2012. I feel the best is yet to come in 2013. Guess what else is scheduled for 2013? My wedding! I can’t reveal a date just yet but I will share that my fiance and I are hoping to wed during the latter part of the year. Like most planning brides, I want to look tight and right on my big day. I mean, who wouldn’t desire to be as trim and fit as possible for such a monumental occasion? But like far too many Americans, I make excuses for not working out regularly and my eating habits can stand for a little makeover. What’s a gal to do?

A few weeks ago my future mother-in-law asked me if I ever covered fitness/nutrition here on Triple B. And it suddenly hit me that I really haven’t. Previous Road to Mrs. bloggers Charli, Nadine and Jene all addressed these topics but the buck pretty much stops there. I’m not proud of this and will commit to incorporating both fitness and nutrition into Triple B’s content more often and even after I say “I Do”. The truth of the matter is, there are dozens upon dozens of bridal boot camp dvds, trainers, workout groups, etc. targeted to women like me — especially right after trying on wedding gowns for the first time like I did recently. Who to trust and where to start is daunting. So I’ve decided to just start where I am and trust my gut. Below are the five ways I intend to do so:

1 – Timing is Everything: Prior to a couple of years ago, I was one of those women that many others hated because I ate what I wanted, whenever I wanted and didn’t gain a pound. Well now that I’m in my mid-30s things have changed. Whew, have they changed! Gone are the days of eating pizza or cupcakes right before bed with no repercussions to my waistline. I’m committing to not stuffing my face less than two hours before going to sleep. Besides the fact that my midsection will likely benefit from this, eating heavy foods late at night is draining.

2 – Seek Guidance: Believe it or not, I belong to a gym and have for over a year. But I don’t go consistently. I’ll spare you the shoulda, woulda, couldas. Yes, I’m hella busy but I know women who have just as much going on and more (Um, Michelle Obama…) but still manage to make time for a regular workout regimen. I have to face the facts and realize that until I am more disciplined, I should make every effort to work with a trainer.

3 – Eat Cleaner:My fiance is a pretty healthy eater and has strongly encouraged me to eat less processed foods and more fresh fruits and veggies. I kicked and screamed about it at first but I’m so appreciative for his healthy nudges. (Thanks, babe!) I’ve laid off the Rice-A-Roni and such and now I turn to brown rice, veggie and/or wheat pastas whenever possible. Baby steps… Baby steps.

4 – Reading is Fundamental: To further help me with number 3, I’ll be turning to the cookbook (see below) of my friend Tianna Feaster. Tianna is a personal chef and owner of Feast Your Eyes on This. She just released her first cookbook which tackles clean eating, portion control and includes loads of yummy yet nutritious recipes. Even better, Tianna is a bride-to-be too so she identifies with our struggles ladies!

Beyond the wedding: This cookbook is loaded with helpful tips to assist me in reaching my short and longterm lifestyle goals.

5 – Cardio Over Cocktails: Like most of you reading this, I regularly catch up with my girlfriends over a meal — and there are usually fruity cocktails thrown in the mix, too. While I definitely don’t plan to completely ditch the brunch outings with my girls, I’m hoping to do more Zumba dates and less dinner dates with them starting this year. Popular groups like Black Girls Run! have proven that fitness activities can be a great way for girlfriends to bond. My fiance often catches up with his boys over a few games of hoops on the basketball court so why can’t women do a remix of this? Added bonus: It will save me money because dinners at trendy NYC restaurants add up!

So, what are your thoughts on my five-point plan? What are your fitness/nutrition goals for the new year? How did you and yours get toned and fit for the walk down the aisle?