Keaira Lashae makes working out fun!

Remember my fitness goals at the top of the year? Yeah those. Well, um. What had happened was…I’ve only managed to pull off a couple of those goals thus far. Like most planning brides, I definitely want to be as toned as possible for my wedding day but the days following my nuptials are (even more) important, too. This is about making a lifestyle change. The truth is I always feel better after working out but the discipline to start is — grrr! However the other day I stumbled upon a Keaira Lashae video.

I might be tardy to the Keaira Lashae party, so those of you are already aware of this YouTube sensation please grant me a late pass. As the young kids say, Keaira Lashae is the truth! Lashae, a Florida native and professional dancer turned fitness guru, has a plethora of fun yet result-driven instructional videos on the Web. Wanna salsa your way to flatter abs? Have you been wanting to join the Zumba craze but would rather try it from the comfort of your home? My personal fave of the moment is the sexy Valentine’s Day video (great beyond February 14th…) and I’m anxious to try the Fast and Furious Abs video because I really want to work on my midsection.

You might be wondering what makes Lashae’s routines any different than the dozens of other fitness DVDs targeted to brides. Well, even though Lashae has a bangin’ body and is an awesome dancer, she isn’t intimidating the way I’ve found many of her peers can be. (And don’t get me started on how intimidating the gym can be.) She’s also funny and has a warm personality. Plus, she offers lifestyle motivation throughout her workouts — and not the corny sappy kind but the type that feels like a true friend who wants to help you win. Her nutritional tips are an added plus. But the absolute best part is her workouts are FREE (!) and accessible from your cozy living room with the help of your laptop.

I'm hoping Lashae (above) will help me dance my way into better shape for -- and after -- my wedding day!

After a little digging I learned that Lashae is part of the Daily Burn team of fitness instructors. For ten bucks a month, Lashae and a host of other trained pros will whip you into shape anytime, anywhere in a structured format. Pretty cool concept that I might consider investing in it myself. But for now I’m enjoying the free YouTube access I have to Lashae’s routines.

How are you progressing with your 2013 fitness goals? Are you currently trying to lose weight, inches or just get more toned for your wedding day? Have you tried any of Keaira Lashae’s workouts? If so, have you noticed positive results?