Is social media making your wedding planning (more) stressful?

My apologies folks but there’s no Tie the Knot Tuesday today. Bummer I know but I thought we’d have some fun until TTKT returns. I want to know how you guys feel about wedding planning in the digital age. What is too much sharing? (Do you really need to post 48 pictures of your engagement ring on Instagram?) How do you avoid your fifth cousin finding out that she wasn’t invited to your bridal shower when you just got tagged on Facebook in a dozen pics from the fun soiree?

I’ve been engaged now for four months and I’ve already learned that while social media can be great for networking (Are you following Triple B on Facebook and Twitter yet?), it can cause confusion when wedding planning if a good dose of discernment isn’t used. I want to get a gauge on where you guys stand on the above topics and more. So…Take the poll below to make your voice heard! And leave a comment as well with your thoughts on this sticky subject.

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