35 Years & Counting! Triple B Presents Zenobia and George

Couple: Zenobia & George
Wedding Date: March 18, 1978
Wedding Location: Mt. Herman AME Zion Church; Goldston, North Carolina
Children: Cassandra, 40-something; Kaia, 32; George “Preston” Jr., 25


Free to Be Me
My biggest misconception about marriage was assuming that I had to change into a “Stepford Wife.” I was determined to prove that I was going to remain my own person after marriage. This created some struggles that I really did not need to fight. I think had we discussed this issue honestly in the beginning we would have arrived at our current understanding earlier.

We Cry Together (Yet Differently)
Our most significant challenge after marriage related to the period of time that we experienced multiple miscarriages. I did not understand that we were grieving differently – what it looked like to me was that he did not honor the depth of loss I felt and that he was too anxious to forget them and get on with his life. We talked to our pastor who helped us walk through that valley together. Once we were past that period we decided to adopt and the rest is a wonderful history!

Look How Far We’ve Come
The marriage I am enjoying now is not the one I started out with in 1978 – there has been growth. I’ve learned to recognize marriage as a covenant therefore I put God first and I pray about everything. I’ve learned that “what’s right” is more important than “who’s right.”

Zenobia’s favorite wedding reception memory: Having our friends and relatives, on both sides, from several states together in the same room at the same time is my fondest reception memory. I don’t think that has happened since we were married.

*BONUS: Zenobia’s advice for the Triple B audience considering marriage – Be willing to do whatever it takes to make your marriage work. “What might make one home might destroy another one!”

Three and a half decades and counting...Zenobia & George keep the bliss going! (George shares kissing helps.)


I’m Focused, Man!
My major marriage concern was how much I would change my current lifestyle and focus. I was on a mission to complete my PhD and did not want too many distractions.   

What I Need From You is Understanding
The first challenge we conquered together as a married couple was after the loss of our first little girl. The keys were prayer, faith and communication. I had to learn to be more understanding and less logical. We had no family close by so we depended on each other.

Me Becomes We
Your children are your greatest joy and greatest pain in the rear. You are now totally responsible for someone else. No more dreams of a two-seater sports car, no more me first…And all they want is your love. They force you to build a bond on unconditional love for the entire family.

George’s favorite wedding ceremony memory: My fondest wedding memory was that we had to do everything ourselves. This included making our programs, finding a place to have them copied and doing it all with very limited funds.

*BONUS: George’s advice for the Triple B audience considering marriageMarriage is not the wedding. It should not take five years to pay for your wedding. The two major problems in marriage are sex and money, too much or too little of either cause problems.

Zenobia and George's two youngest children: Kaia & George "Preston" Jr. are all smiles!

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