Bride-to-be Jene's struggles to maintain her bustling new biz and her diet goals.


Being an upcoming bride, who is trying to lose weight for my big day, my relationship with food is a constant struggle. Although I am getting married I know food and weight issues are definitely not exclusive to a bride. I always say food addiction is worse than any drug or alcohol. Just saying no to food is so much more difficult. It is possible to avoid those other vices, but you are faced with food choices everyday to sustain life. SMH!  Fried chicken is always more tempting than a salad. Truth — I am nothing if not honest.

For me it is even more of a hardship though. I have recently started my own baking business. I now know why most television chefs have a extra bit of pudge. I must say my baking is both a blessing and a curse. The extra income the cakes bring in comes in handy toward our wedding fund. The blessing is business has been pretty consistent, with a few orders a week. The curse is CAKE has been pretty consistent in the house every week too, URGH! Trying to avoid nibbling on extra cupcakes or over sampling frosting has been the bane of my existence. Anyone who cooks knows it is necessary to taste as part of preparation to ensure you are putting out the best possible product. However sugar is a dieter’s mortal enemy. So even though “Jeanie Kakes” is helping pay the bills, I cannot allow its temptation to over-shadow “Jene’s Wedding”, or derail my weight loss efforts.

Lord give me strength.

Do you have helpful hints, tips or tricks for Jene? Share them with her in the comments!