Could this be my wedding garter?

One of the things still left to check off of my wedding to-do list is purchasing a garter. To my surprise and (disappointment), Victoria’s Secret is lacking in this department. [Confession: I have a gift card to VS that I was hoping I could use to snag a garter but no cigar.] So when I couldn’t find a garter after searching at traditional brick and mortar retailers, I turned to Etsy of course!

There are seemingly hundreds of garters to choose from on Etsy for the penny pinching simple low-key bride to the balling, the more bling the better bride. I’m smitten by the one in the above pic and at $29.95 it works for my budget. But I’m not convinced it is the one for me just yet. I’m still looking — I’ll keep you all posted!

Where did you or do you plan to purchase your garter?