Those of you who follow Triple B regularly on Instagram are familiar with our daily “Morning Muse” posts. We recently highlighted the above pic and had to share it here on the blog too. The lovely bride Zondra tagged us on this pic and to our surprise shared that the image was captured in…wait for it…Mississippi! (Yeah, shocked us too.)
That’s right, good ‘ole Mississippi! Not some exotic, tropical island or even Miami. The exact location of this shot is Long Beach on the Gulf Coast of MS. Folks, when selecting destination wedding and honeymoon locations, be sure you don’t overlook domestic locales. You just might reap hefty savings while exposing you and yours to an under-the-radar area of the U.S. By the way, this beautiful bride is from Mississippi so she actually returned home for her wedding day.
Photo by: Grady James Photography.
Read more about destination wedding and honeymoon locations in the Southern United States here and here.
Search our hashtag #MorningMuses on Instagram for more captivating images like this!
Interesting. I’ve never been to Mississippi or Alabama. Growing up in New York I heard such frightening things about that region I permanently crossed it off the list of places to visit. Now I will consider it with fresh eyes. That photo is very creative and inviting.
@SD – Thanks for commenting (as always). I’m glad the pic inspired you. I’ve never been to Mississippi either but I would like to visit in the near future. My father however was born in Alabama and we were blessed to visit his hometown as a family and retrace some of his childhood memories together before he passed. Of course not all of his memories were happy ones being Black in the era of Jim Crow. But the stories my parents and other elders share about growing up in the South remind me of the incredible lineage I have.